Ётамс сёрматфть няфтьфонц потмос (содержаниянцты)

Тиись:Revi C.

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ko-N 이 사용자는 한국어모어입니다.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
mdf-0 Тя ломанць машты аф кяльса мокшекс кохтама (или шарьхкодьсы сонь пяк стакаста).
Участники по языкам
If you are here to talk about CommonsDelinker removing a deleted image, please go here.

Hello! I am Revi. I edit to revert vandals, do Wikidata stuff (I am a Wikidata Admin! (Verify)), or do Commons Filemoving stuff (I am Commons Admin too! (Verify)). Come to my Meta userpage or my Commons userpage for more information. Thank you.

This is not a GlobalUserPage provided userpage. It's maintained per-wiki basis and I am not willing to change it.