Тиись корхнема:~riley
This is Farhad from m:Wikipedias in the languages of Russia project.
I noted your activity marking article stubs for speedy deletion @ mdf: & would like to request you to explain the reason. This wiki doesn't have such a policy and it doesn't fall under en:Wikipedia:Criteria for speedy deletion.
This dormant wiki has a total language community of about 2000 native speakers (mostly computer-illeterate seniors, I live in a nearby region) and an interwiki linked terminologic glossary they managed to create is an important tool I would rather see kept.
Regards, --Frhdkazan (talk) 10:55, 29 Кельмеков 2016 (UTC)
- Farhad, can you give some examples of articles which had good content?
- All of the examples I see had no content, only 1 category.
- Varlaam (talk) 11:40, 4 Уфайков 2016 (UTC)
- Most of the "articles" I am looking at were created by Тиись:Jarmanj Turtash in 2008 and have no content.
- Тиись:Kaiyr created the article "Мокшень Википедиесь" in 2014, and it also says nothing.
- Varlaam (talk)
- I agree with Riley Huntley's decisions 100%. Varlaam (talk)
- Varlaam, I'm glad that Тиись:Jarmanj Turtash started the work, I'm thankful to Тиись:Kaiyr for contributing & I'm sorry that we, as Wikimedia community, haven't yet developed a way to support vulnerable language communities other than "deleting their stubs for being too short"... Please help me see how their continuing existence per se prevents us achieving Wikimedia m:Vision & I'll take back my words.--Frhdkazan (talk) 13:19, 4 Уфайков 2016 (UTC)
- I do agree with you. A little.
- But 8 years to add 1 sentence is a lot of time.
- Jarmanj Turtash is a native speaker and a sysop.
- He did not even add:
- to his pages.
- After 12 years here, I think I am a little cynical about Wikimedia's vision.
- Varlaam (talk) 12:14, 5 Уфайков 2016 (UTC)
- I understand no one reached out to Тиись:Jarmanj Turtash or other speakers of this language before to keep their wiki-community developing. Keeping in mind the linguistic situation of this community, most of such outreach must be done off-wiki, possibly even off-line and in Russian, not English. I believe that in such cases WMF can and should empower, support and motivate their affiliates in the region to do the job for them. Vision shows us the way even when we can't move in that direction just yet. I hope to build some bridges within m:Wikipedias in the languages of Russia initiative.--Frhdkazan (talk) 16:05, 5 Уфайков 2016 (UTC)
Ушетк аоьсезь корхнемацень мархта
Арьсезь корхтама лопат — васта, коса ломаттне арьсихть, кода цебярьгофтомс уликсть Википедиесь. Ушедода од арьсезь корхнема, штоба кирдемс соткс и и арьсемс-ладямс мезть-бди мархта ~riley. Тяса сёрматфть тонь кядялот ули кода моафтомс и лиятненди.